четвер, 11 вересня 2014 р.

First you judge 'how nice', then you judge 'how wise'

There are lot of time people devote how to look nice, which suit or dress to wear. In the professional field it is really important thing, but fallacy of this issue is that people forget about other influential qualities. "First you judge 'how nice', then you judge 'how wise" - concerns to every person who want to be successful. However I guess that the most essential it is for philologists. These are people who earn a piece of bread using eloquence. The most commones fault is to thing that to know the gramma and structure of sentenses are enough for effective communication. But if you want to proof your english skills you need wield good vocabulary. The best way for it, is vocabulary lesson, reading books, watching films and also listening music. Diversity of words, their constant use will always help in our daily life and future.